This suite is for use for master and doctorate courses and special seminars. It may also be used, albeit occasionally, for fifth- and sixth-year undergraduate degree subjects, provided there is a justified reason. They will take least priority in the event of a clash of dates.
The room is to be used in the presence of the professor of the respective course only.
The seminar room should be booked at least a month in advance.
Should you wish to make a reservation or if you have any other query related to Suite A-5003, contact the Computer Centre (reservas@fi.upm.es).
The base configuration of this suite is a double Windows 2000 and Linux RedHat 7.2 environment. The organizers of each course or seminar should provide the Computer Centre with any additional software they require for installation.
If an alternative work environment has to be installed, the course organizers shall be responsible for installing and uninstalling a new environment. They shall have to leave the suite in minimum operating conditions.
In any case, the Computer Centre shall be informed of the software used and, if necessary, shall help with troubleshooting.
For any software-related queries, contact Máximo Lagunilla (mlagunilla@fi.upm.es).