Magalhaes-SMILE: useful information for Facultad de Informática students
Detailed information on the UPM programme and 2009/10 call for applicants
Exchange Types
Applicants are reminded that grants target senior students. Students are eligible to pursue the following studies at foreign higher education institutions:
1096 Informatics engineering Degree Programme
- Full academic year (FY)
- Final year project (FYP)
- Individual subjects
10II Informatics Engineering Degree Programme (Bologna-compliant)
1096 Informatics Engineering Degree Programme
- Double diploma: Have passed all third year subjects
- Full year (5th): Have passed all first-cycle (first- and second-year) core and compulsory subjects.
- Final year project: Have passed all fourth-year core and compulsory subjects and have enrolled for fifth year.
- Individual subjects: Core or compulsory subjects: equivalent contents
1011 Informatics Engineering Degree Programme (Bologna-Compliant)
To apply to participate in exchange programmes
- 1st and 2nd year: Have earned all compulsory credits.
To be admitted:
- Have earned all 1st- and 2nd-year credits + 21 3rd-year 1st-semester compulsory credits
As means of promoting international mobility, the results of the February 2010 examination session will, data permitting, be taken into account.
In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, students will be rated by average grade, number of examinations sat and years of study.
- Meet the language level requirements set by each host institution.
- Meet the minimum requirements recommended by the UPM.
- Proof of proficiency in the language of the country and/or language of study, attested to preferably by official national qualifications and/or recognized or prestigious international qualification.
- Internal UPM certification test and, if necessary, completion of (on-line and intensive) foreign language training courses organized by PROLINTER-UPM.